5 Reasons Why I'm Still Rehabbing My Postpartum Injuries Years Later

5 Reasons Why I'm Still Rehabbing My Postpartum Injuries Years Later

I had my son about three and a half years ago and I STILL have linger issues from that perinatal time in my life. The seven hours of pushing, vacuum assisted delivery, and third degree tearing no doubt have a lot to do with where I am now. As you might imagine, I had persistent vaginal pain, for months. The intensity of it lessened over time, but I was never really comfortable until I sought professional help.

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Finding a Pelvic Physical Therapist: Where Do I Even Start?

Finding a Pelvic Physical Therapist: Where Do I Even Start?

It took me seven months after giving birth to get myself to see a pelvic physical therapist (PT). But I should have gone much sooner. Perhaps around the six-week postpartum mark.

Instead I suffered more than half a year with a wobbly back, unstable-feeling hips, back and shoulder pain, vaginal heaviness, and incontinence (urinary, gas, and ocassionally fecal). I hoped it would all go away on its own since, well you know, childbirth is natural.

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